Freelancer Girl

Why Should Small Scale Businesses Hire Freelancers?


While millions of workers start their days early, many stay in bed until midday and work when convenient. Yes! We’re discussing independent contractors.

There is always a conversation on how freelancing is a better, revolutionary way for professionals to pursue their careers the way they want. While they may seem like rebels, they are also very useful for businesses. Here we will talk about how hiring freelancers is a brilliant choice for a small scale business. 

So with no further ado, let’s get into it...

Benefits to Hire Freelancers for Your Small Scale Business

There are many ways small scale businesses can benefit from outsourcing their work to freelancers rather than hiring a full-time employee. We will shed light on some facts to help you understand the importance of employing freelancers. 

1) Budget-Friendly

You have to arrange & set up all the work equipment, such as computers, software tools, and laptop accessories, for full-time professionals while paying them monthly, hourly, or shift. Whether or not they have any kind of work, the employer must pay them just for the time. 

On the other hand, the biggest benefit of hiring a freelancer is that you won’t need to set up the equipment or buy the tools. The freelancer will charge you a bit for the tools they use, but it will be adjusted in the long run. You will pay the freelancers for as long as they work for you. 

So a small business will save money by paying the professionals only when you need them instead of being obliged to pay full-time employees even when they are not working.

2) Networks

Many small-scale business owners are unaware of the freelancers’ network. It is huge!

When searching for professionals with unique skills, you won’t need to ask a PR firm or an agency to help you out. The freelancers’ network is spread across different domains. For example, if you are working with a graphic designer, you can take their help in finding you a reliable writer or a web developer. This will save you the testing and trial phase as the referred professional is already tried and tested by the freelancer you are already working with. 

You can briefly interview or discuss the project(s) and quickly judge if they fit the job considering their previous projects and work ethics.

3) Trust Factor & Flexibility

One of the core rules of freelancers is to build a good relationship with their clients. You can connect to them whenever you need them and get your work done within a tight deadline. If you want the content for the landing page for your website’s landing page, you can ring up the good-old writer and ask them how soon the page can be delivered. 

Depending on your relationship with them (and obviously the pay rate as well), your work will be done in no time. This can save a small scale business a lot of time, and they can distribute work between different freelancers and get it done quickly.

There are no time constraints when working with a freelancer, meanwhile asking a full-time employee to finish some work overtime is not considered ethical. 

4) No Lay-Offs or Terminations

Economic situations for any business are never constant. A lot of industries ran out of business and had to let go of the most reliable resources under tough circumstances when they couldn’t afford them anymore. It may not be a big deal for big businesses, but a small-scale business could suffer a lot of damage.  

This is an unfortunate decision for both the employer and the employee. The employer loses a resource, and the employee loses a job without fault. However, freelancers are safe from lay-offs and employers don’t need to worry about paying too when there are no active projects for the professional. 

The employer has to pay the professional only when they are in business and have the freelancer working for them. 

Ending Note

There are many benefits to hiring freelancers. You should not let the opportunity to use skillful professionals in the market. You can save money & time and connect to the freelancer network to ease your future endeavors. 

A few best methods to get connected to freelancers are:

  • Freelance Marketplaces, i.e., UpWork, Fiverr, and others.
  • Social Media Platforms, i.e., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others. 
  • Through the freelancers, you are working with.

So, what are you waiting for? Seize the chance and make the most out of everything, even when the odds may not be in your favor.

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